Chianti Tour

Chianti Tour

Chianti Tour One from the 'must-do list' of all serious cycists. The Tours Into Chianti…the landscape changes when we pass through the Val D’Ambra and into the Chianti region, continually ascending and descending through oak woods and vineyards. A harder ride, about...
Setteponti Tour

Setteponti Tour

Setteponti Tour A gentle ride along an ancient Roman route. The Tours A lovely ride along the Sette Ponti (Seven Bridges) road which was originally the ancient Roman route between Arezzo and Florence called Cassia Vetus. Quite curvy but with only slight undulations....
Pratomagno Tour

Pratomagno Tour

Pratomagno Tour Breathtaking views from the highest point of the mountain. The Tours A quite tough ride which takes us up to the magnificent iron cross at the highest point of the Pratomagno Mountains (1529 meters a.s.l). The cross itself is an historic monument...
Arno Valley tours

Arno Valley tours

Arno Valley Tours A gentle ride through the rolling Tuscan hills. The Tours A fairly easy trail which follows the Arno Valley , travelling through the countryside and passing through some of the little villages which lay at the feet of the Pratomagno mountains until...